The 62 Group of Textile Artists celebrate their 50th Anniversary
16.07.12 - 17.08.12

This major textile exhibition '62@50' celebrates the 50th anniversary of the 62 Group of Textile Artists.
The 62 Group is an artist-led organisation and it is a tribute to the members' commitment and energy in helping to run the Group that, after 50 years, it is still a vibrant artists' collective supporting its members and encouraging them through high profile exhibitions to continue to produce their most innovative work.
The open title '62@50' has placed no restrictions on the exhibiting artists who therefore have been able to produce their most innovative and creative work. This exhibition of new work displays the Group's diversity of practice as well as the strength, depth and health of textile art in Britain today and defines the 62 Group as a leader in contemporary textile art.
We would like to thank the Arts Council of England for their sponsorship and support.
Feel it Sketch it Workshop
A free workshop led by Rachael Howard will take place on Friday 20 July. Further details (PDF).