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Trial / Error / Art

16.03.15 - 08.05.15

David Batchelor — Olaf Breuning — Rosalind Nashashibi — Roman Signer — John Stezaker— Guido van der Werve

With the production of anything new, there always lurks the prospect of failure – this could be dramatic, or it might be something much more marginal. The line between success and failure is not only difficult to see, it also moves and alters its shape constantly. Creativity often emerges out of a process of trial and error and potential disaster can be a useful catalyst. Trial/Error/Art brings together a selection of work whose existence is marked by differing degrees of experimentation, the testing out of the limitations as to what might make a work of art. This comes with the necessary pushing of materials, images and ideas to the point of destruction and sometimes beyond.

The focus is on work which relies on a delicate balance – not just in the process of making, but something that is actually visible in the work itself. As some pieces focus on looking at everyday things in an alternative way, others deal with experiments in time, duration or material. In all there is a productive tension which often veers into a dark humour, it is this which marks the work.

Preview: Friday 13th March 6-8pm

Please note: the gallery will be closed for two weeks at Easter from 30th March until 10th April


23rd April
5 – 6pm

Dr Steven Gartside (Holden Gallery Curator)

A short talk on the exhibition theme which looks for the more creative elements in disaster, failure and other minor mistakes.

  1. Installation view.
  2. Olaf Breuning, Smoke Bombs, 2008.
  3. Roman Signer, Boots with Rocket, 1995.
  4. Guido Van Der Werve, Nummer acht, Everything is going to be alright, 2007.